Year XIII (2019), issue 23

Digital Humanities



Matthew G. Kirschenbaum . What Is Digital Humanities and What’sIt Doing in English Departments? (Transl. from Englishby Ruzha Muskurova) / 9

Susan Schreibman. Digital Humanities: Centres and Peripheries(Transl. from English by Nikolay Genov) / 22

Thomas Rommel . Literary Studies (Transl. from Englishby Filip Stoilov) / 41

William Winder .  Robotic Poetics (Transl. from Englishby Filip Stoilov) / 58

Antske Fokkens , Tommaso Caselli, Minh Le, Pia Sommerauer, Leon van Wissen (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands). Using Computational Linguistics Methodsin Digital Humanities: On Possibilities and Pitfalls / 95

Reneta Bozhankova. Digital Humanities: Manifestoes / 132

Tatyana Angelova . What Is Digital Competence and ShouldIt Be Taught? / 146

Yoana Sirakova. The Era of Digital Paideia: Learning through AlignedSource and Target Texts and Text Analysis / 166

Natalia Hristova. To Eliminate the Human – from Cyberneticsto Transhumanism / 182

Nikolay Genov . Between the Digital and the Virtual:The Peripheral Case / 208

Bilyana Todorova. On Some Humour Manifestations in InternetCommunication / 220

Irina Todorova. The Faces of Digital Humanity. Parallels between Journalism and Literature / 240

Veselina Gekova. Digital Humanities on Glass Media. Image Transfer to Glass in Architecture and Design / 259


Vanya Dimitrova. Reception of Two of the Bulgarian Translations of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll – Linguistic Approach / 268


Miryana Yanakieva. The Never-Ending Dialogue of Nikola Georgiev with Literature / 285

Ventzeslav Scholtze. Literary History: Cases of Reworking. “How Does Literary History Work?”, Volume One, “Survey Cases in Literary History” by Mikhail Nedeltchev / 295

Polina Penkova. Literature versus the Market / 302

Elka Dimitrova. Bulgarian Modernity: Literature and Technology / 305

For the Authors / 311

Requirements for Publications in the Journal “Literaturata” / 323

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