Dystopias in 21st Century
Koichi Tonuma. Whither 21st Century Urban Civilization: Dystopia or Utopia? (Transl. from English by Ruzha Muskurova) / 11
Dorothy E. Roberts. Race, Gender, and Genetic Technologies: A New Reproductive Dystopia? (Transl. from English by Milena Popova) / 26
Rowland Hughes and Pat Wheeler. Introduction. Eco-Dystopias: Nature and the Dystopian Imagination (Transl. from English by Ruzha Muskurova) / 60
Annika Gonnermann. The Concept of Post-Pessimism in 21st Century Dystopian Fiction (Transl. from English by Milena Popova) / 68
Daria Karapetkova. Elements of Anti-Utopia in Leonardo Sciascia’s Novel The Knight and Death / 92
Martin Kolev. “Genesis” of the Dystopian Line in YA literature / 99
Chavdar Parushev. But Why Space Is Silent? “Remembrance of Earths Past” by Liu Cixin / 104
Ralitsa Lyutskanova-Kostova. History and Narration – Anti-utopianism in Michel Houellebecq’s Submission and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale / 112
Kostantin Adirkov.The Testaments which Should be Remembered / 120
Bilyana Kourtasheva. Oral History and Dystopia: The Rise of the Inquiry Novel / 130
Ivan Ivanov. Hervé Le Tellier’s Novel The Anomaly – World and Postmodern / 142
Paul de Man. Hegel on the Sublime (Transl. from English by Georgi Iliev) / 152
Ivan Georgiev. Geo Milev – Theoretical Positions and Creational Realisations / 177
Barbara Miteva. The (anti-)Christianity in Atanas Dalchev’s Poetry / 198
Vladislav Tikov. The Problem of the Past in the Novel “Time Shelter” by Georgi Gospodinov – a Monster or Savior in the Face of Uncertain Future / 218
Martina Nedialkova. Literary Theory’s New Territories in the 21st Century / 229
Polly Mukanova. Beyond the Canonical: in the Center of the Periphery / 237
Noemi Stoichkova. The Playing Story of “One-Time” and the “Nostalgic Plots” through Photographic Codes / 246
Yanitsa Radeva.The Fate and the Poetry of Ivan Tsanev (About “Forging the Masterpiece: Ivan Tsanev” by Plamen Doinov) / 257
Dimitar Radev. Song for “Nobody” / 263
Emiliya Makedonska. To be a Poet – 120 Years Since the Birth of Jaroslav Seifert / 274
For the Authors / 278
Journal “The Literature” / 288
Requirements for Publications in the Journal “The Literature” / 292
Ethics of Publication / 295