Authors, editors (Editorial Board and Editorial Board), reviewers and the publisher of the scholarly journal The Literature are obliged to observe publishing ethics when preparing materials for publication.
Publication ethics refers to the set of rules on which the relations are based: between the members of the Editorial Board; between the Editorial Board, the reviewers and the authors in matters of publication of scientific articles in the journal. All these parties should accept the obligations listed below and should strictly follow them in their activities. Disputes relating to compliance with these obligations shall be dealt with by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.
The Literature Journal endorses and applies the norms of conduct and international standards that have been established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.
The Literature Journal insists on honesty and professionalism in all aspects of publishing. We publish original texts of significance to the intellectual community, presented in the best possible form and to the highest standards. Authenticity, integrity and honesty – on the part of authors, and fairness, objectivity and confidentiality – on the part of editors and reviewers are among the priorities that help us achieve our goals.
Obligations of the editors
– Editors are responsible for deciding which manuscripts to publish. This judgement must take into account the credibility of the work and its scientific significance.
The journal’s Editorial Board is required to:
– to conduct all contacts with authors in a fair tone;
– not show discriminatory preferences to authors according to race, gender, religious views, citizenship, political preferences, etc;
– not accept any articles for which it has a conflict of interest (a conflict of interest is a situation in which a person holding a responsible position has competing professional or personal interests);
– make fair and impartial decisions without being guided by commercial considerations, and should ensure fair and competent peer review;
– apply an editorial policy that promotes maximum transparency, completeness and reliability of information;
– ensure that the anonymity of the author is preserved;
– send reviewers texts only in the chosen editing system;
– ensure that the one-month deadline for submission of the completed review is respected;
– take care to preserve the integrity of what is published by making corrections;
– check for authorship originality each text in the chosen plagiarism checking system;
– must not tolerate attempts at fraud or plagiarism by checking any alleged misuse;
– if a text is proven to violate these ethical rules, the editors must prevent its publication;
– ensure that the Privacy and Consent Statement, to which each author has access, is adequately completed (see the analogous section on the journal’s website for a sample). The editors’ attention should be focused on the following requirements: that the text is the author’s own, that it has not been published in another journal, and that the author consents to inclusion in an issue of the journal; that the author confirms that he or she has no conflict of interest with the journal; and that the author agrees to the inclusion of the text in an issue of the journal. “The author agrees that the author does not consent to the publication of the article;
– must not approve for publication any text that does not meet the requirements of the Privacy and Consent Statement.
– take appropriate action in the event of ethical claims about peer-reviewed manuscripts or published material (see Regulating Publication Ethics Violations).
Obligations of reviewers
– treat the manuscript as a confidential document, and not make it available for review by third parties not authorized by the Editorial Board;
– not comment publicly on their involvement in the manuscript review process;
– inform the Editorial Board of the lack of sufficient time for quality work, of their insufficient competence to evaluate the manuscript objectively, and of the circumstances that prevent such evaluation;
– in the event of a conflict of interest, inform the editors of its existence before starting work on the article;
– make fair and impartial decisions, without being guided by commercial considerations, and follow a fair and competent peer review process;
– not to use in the review emotional and out-of-context evaluations of the manuscript or the author;
– not use unpublished data from manuscripts submitted for peer review for personal or commercial purposes;
– may review a manuscript only in the system chosen by the journal, thus ensuring the process of independent evaluation through double–blind, anonymous peer review;
– in no way disclose to the author their identity or institutional affiliation when reviewing in the ScholarOne System;
– implement editorial policies that promote maximum transparency, comprehensiveness, reliability of information, and complete anonymity between author and reviewer;
– meet the one-month deadline for submitting the completed review to the peer review system;
– take care to preserve the integrity of what is published by making corrections to the texts and notify the editors promptly in case of any suspected misuse of publications;
– have the right to recommend a text for publication after editing by the author, the anonymity of both parties being guaranteed by the editing system;
– must not tolerate any attempts at fraud or plagiarism.
Obligations of authors
– To include as co-authors all persons who have made substantial contributions to the research;
– Submit their manuscripts to the ScholarOne System;
– Submit articles in accordance with the journal’s ethical guidelines. The article submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal must be free of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of another’s text, the borrowing of another’s work, and the paraphrasing of significant portions of research without attribution to the authors, the appropriation of rights to third party research results. Plagiarism in all forms is unethical and unacceptable.
By agreeing to publication, an author enters into a license agreement with the Editorial Board.
– They must confirm through the Confidentiality and Consent Statement (see the analogous rubric on the journal’s website for its template) and through the peer review system that their texts are the authors’; they have not been published in other journals. Authors must consent to inclusion in an issue of the journal and declare that they have no conflict of interest with The Literature Journal;
– must adhere to the Requirements for Publication, and observe that their manuscripts are anonymous;
– have no right to choose their reviewers;
– must present their scientific results clearly, without falsifying or manipulating data;
– must refer to the research of predecessors whose results are significant for the development of the issues that are subject of the paper;
– must avoid any offensive remarks about scholars whose concepts are the subject of controversy in the article (polemical remarks about other authors should be respectful and fair; criticism should be reasoned);
– must take care to describe their methods unambiguously so that their findings can be confirmed by other scholars;
– ensure the correctness of the facts and citations presented in the paper;
– properly cite their previous work and avoid self-plagiarism (self-citation) in the manuscript and artificially increasing the length of the paper;
– authors are required to make optional corrections to their articles that are brought out in the reviews without violating the general one-month time limit set for the review process;
– indicate the sources of funding for the research presented in the article;
– if an error or typographical error is found in an article submitted for publication, immediately notify the journal’s Editorial Board and make corrections;
– The author reserves the right to withdraw the manuscript and publish it in another journal, and The Literature is obliged to respect this decision and not to publish the text.
Obligations of the publisher
– not to influence the editorial policy of the journal;
– ensure that regular issues of the journal are published on time.
Regulation of breaches of publication ethics
– The Editorial Board and the Editorial Board shall make every effort to prevent any breaches of publication ethics. They reserve the right to refuse publication of an article in the event of a breach.
– The Editorial Board shall notify the author (or the reviewer in bad faith) by a warning letter of his/her failure to comply with the above ethical standards, disclosing the facts of the ethical violation and warning of the possible consequences. The author (or the reviewer in bad faith) is given the opportunity to respond to any allegations.
Minor violations shall be addressed without outside involvement.
Serious breaches require that the Editor-in-Chief and members of the Editorial Board examine the available evidence, consult with the appropriate experts and, on that basis, decide whether it is appropriate to publish the facts on the journal’s website and inform the author’s employer.