
Issue 33 of the journal is in preparation. The editorial board invites authors and contributors to contribute to the new issue.


There is no fee for publication in the journal and no subscription is required. Texts must be written specifically for the relevant thematic issue. Materials for publication are submitted via the ScholarOne System.

Detailed instructions for uploading texts

Anonymous peer review


The article is sent to two reviewers for evaluation, who are selected by the editors.


Reviewers evaluate the text competently and impartially.


The review process takes a maximum of one month.

About the materials

The texts offered for the journal “Literaturata” are checked for copyright originality through plugin, part of the e-learning system of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Author guidelines

Submissions to “THE LITERATURE/LITERATURATA” are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system.


Registration and access is available directly at this address

File Upload

Upload the Main Document, Title page, files with tables and figures. Write and/or choose keywords. Enter authors, co-authors and institutions information.


Review the information for accuracy and make changes as needed. You may also attach a cover letter.


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