The independent double-blind, anonymous peer review process follows the steps below:
- The article is sent to two reviewers for evaluation, who are selected by the editors according to the following requirements: mostly habilitated scholars; scholars with an international presence; scholars who agree to abide by the rules for independent evaluation through double-blind, anonymous peer review, also guaranteed by the Scholar One System.
- Reviewers evaluate the text competently and impartially, highlighting its contributions. They recommend it for publication or for rejection. Reviewers may also recommend a text for publication after making appropriate corrections.
- In the case of one negative and one positive review, the final decision on publication is taken by the Editorial Board. An article that is not recommended for publication by two reviewers is not accepted for reconsideration.
- For papers that have undergone corrections, the reviewers are informed of the quality of the edited text in Scholar One System.
- Authors receive notification of the reviewers’ decisions by email.
- The review process takes a maximum of one month.
Authors should register in ScholarOne where they send their articles or they may send them electronically to the Editorial Board’s e-mail address:, or to the e-mail address of Prof. Noemi Stoichkova, PhD, member of the Editorial Board –
- The texts proposed for The Literature Journal are checked for authorship originality through plugin, part of the electronic learning system of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, and are evaluated according to the system’s criteria.
- The articles published in the journal are the responsibility of the author. He/she has the right to reject or accept selectively the recommendations of the reviewers. The manuscripts should be printed for the first time in the journal. The publisher is not responsible for any subsequent use of the work.
- If an article is reprinted from any issue of the journal, this must be explicitly stated and the consent of The Literature obtained.
- The journal does not charge a publication fee and does not pay publication royalties, except for translations.
- Each author is entitled to one author’s copy.
- The author signs a Declaration when being approved for publishing in the journal.
Technical requirements concerning the texts
The editorial team of The Literature Journal in accordance with the internationally accepted requirements for the processing and publication of scientific research for referencing and indexing informs you of the technical requirements for the texts proposed for publication in the publication of the Faculty of Slavic Studies.
- Work in size 12, Times New Roman.
- The length of articles should be up to 25 pages and 45 000 characters (including spaces), and of reviews – up to 5 pages and 9000 characters. In some cases (with high scientific relevance and heuristics) the length may be increased.
- In addition to the manuscript materials with the bibliography, the following information about the authors and their text shall be included:
– Title of the article: in Bulgarian and English: up to 20 words;
– names of the author(s): in Bulgarian and in English;
– affiliation + country: in Bulgarian and in English;
– e-mail;
– abstract in Bulgarian and English: up to 150 words. The abstract is the main source of information in national and foreign information systems and databases indexing the journal. It may be published separately and should therefore be clear and informative. It should briefly present the topic of the study, the amount of data used, the main findings and conclusions. It should use complete sentences, avoid complex structures and should not contain any quotations;
– key words (or phrases that carry the main semantic load in the text and have international analogues) in Bulgarian and English – from 3 to 10 words or phrases;
– citation in Bulgarian according to the following model:
For citation: Бенбасат, А. Вестникарство и роман – Петър Завоев, „Кривата круша“. // Литературата, год. XVIII, 2024, № 33. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“. (Benbassat, A. Vestnikarstvo i roman – Petar Zavoev, „Krivata krusha“. // Literaturata, god. XVIII, 2024, № 33. Sofia: UI „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“.)
– English citation according to the following model:
For citation: Benbassat, A. Journalism and Novel – Petar Zavoev, “The Crooked Pear”. // The Literature, Year XVIII, 2024, Issue 33. Sofia: University Press “St. Kliment Ohridski”. (In Bulgarian)
– Brief (creative-biographical) presentation of the author according to the model: scientific status, interests, publications – in Bulgarian and in English (within 1100 characters).
- When underlining individual elements in the text, only italics should be used. Bold should be used only in headings.
- The bibliographic list is formatted under the heading “References”, which includes only cited titles. They are arranged alphabetically, separating the units in Cyrillic and Latin: if the study is in Cyrillic, the titles in Cyrillic and with transliteration are written first, then those in Latin, etc. If the study is in a language that uses the Latin alphabet, the titles are written in Latin letters first, then in Cyrillic.
- Citations should have the following syntax:
– author’s surname followed by a comma and a space;
– the author’s abbreviated personal name followed by a full stop and a space after it;
– the title of the article or monograph, which shall appear in straight type (Normal), followed by a full stop and a space after it;
– when citing proceedings, followed by: a long dash, the preposition ‘B’ followed by a colon and a space. In the case of titles in Latin, the preposition ‘In’ shall be used regardless of the language of the title;
– followed by the names of the compilers or editors, spelled in the same way as for the author of an article or monograph;
– followed by the title of the collection in italics, followed by a full stop and a space;
– the sequence is that of the city or country in which the bibliographical item was published, written in full and followed by a colon;
– the publisher, without quotation marks and followed by a comma;
– when citing a collection, the beginning and ending pages of the article are given at the end. Pages are separated by a large indent without a space and a full stop at the end;
– when quoting from a periodical, the title of the article is followed by // followed by a space. This is followed by the title of the periodical, followed by a comma and a space, the year of publication (without the anniversary), followed by a comma and a space, followed by the No. and the issue number. It is followed by a comma and a space, and then by the beginning and ending pages of the cited article (as already described in the previous paragraph);
– in the cited bibliography in Cyrillic, the transliteration of the bibliographic description in brackets is after the bibliographic description;
– in-text citation of authors in Latin is given in parentheses with the surname, year and (if available) page reference of the cited author: (Popov 1984: 234);
– in-text citation of authors in Cyrillic is in parentheses with the surname – in Cyrillic and transliterated – plus the year and (if available) page: (Popov/Popov 1984: 234);
– each author transliterates his/her literature cited, which is in Cyrillic.
For transliteration of sources in Bulgarian you may use: Slovored
For transliteration of the sources in Russian you may use: Русский транслит
As a reminder, the indexers insist that citations are mostly from the last 5 years, which is a sign of the author’s scientific awareness of the current situation, and that it is better to avoid self-citations, which distort the statistics in the platform. Use footnotes when referring to your own previous research.
- Reviews should have a title and give full bibliographic details of the book being reviewed. They are subject to all the aforementioned requirements in presenting information about their author and in citation.
- When including illustrations (figures, photos), they are numbered according to their first mention in the text, provided with titles (in the language in which the article is written) and submitted as separate raster files (in .tif, .jpg format). Raster formats (figures and photos) must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The location of the illustration should be indicated in the text of the article, and references should be arranged: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.
- Due to the necessity to observe the regularity of publication of the journal – twice a year (in June/July and in November/December), we pay special attention to the strict observance of the deadlines for the submission of materials – at the latest three months after their ordering.
- The Literature Journal publishes only texts that have been written specifically for the respective thematic issue, or at least – this publication is their first printed one. The Editorial Board is not responsible for any subsequent use of the work. The author of the text is responsible for its originality.
We are grateful for the honesty and understanding that are in the best interest of our philological guild.