Year IX (2015), issue 14

The Literary Cafe


W. Scott Haine – ‘Cafe Friend’: Friendship and Fraternity in Parisian Working-Class Cafes, 1850-1914 (transl. by Ruzha Muskurova) / 9

William H. Ukers – History of the Early Parisian Coffee Houses (transl. by Ruzha Muskurova) / 36

Literary Cafes of Paris (transl. by Radostin Zhelev) / 55

Giovanni Russo – From “Literary Cafes of Rome (transl. by Daria Karapetkova) / 68

Andrea Portenkirchner, The Solitude of a “Window Seat”. Literary cafe in Vienna 1890-1950 (transl. by Lazarina Chernokozheva) / 76

Literary Cafes in Spain, Argentina and Uruguay (selection and translation by Ludmila Ilieva) / 215

Tomas Stempen – The Polish cabaret – A Very Short History (transl. by Radostina Petrova) / 122

Tomas Stempen – The Cabaret of Julian Tuwim (transl. by Radostina Petrova) / 162

L. I. Tichvinska – The Roots of the Russian Cabaret (transl. by Nadezhda Deleva) / 181

Flowering and Decline of “Saigon (transl. by Nadezhda Deleva) / 203

Dobromir Grigorov – Literary Cafe of Prague between the Two World Wars / 220

Nadezhda Aleksandrova – The Turkish Cafe As a Place of Conspiracy and Entertainment in the novel “Janissaries” (1849) / 236

Bozhidar Kunchev – With Nostalgia and in Order to Remember / 259 Rositsa Chernokozheva – Vladimir Vasilev and the Confectionary “Tsar Osvoboditel” – Culture and Psychopathology / 270

Aneta Rangelova – Each London Cafe Could Tell You Its Unique Story / 280


Katrin Petkova – Lora before Yavorov – a Daughter at the Border / 289


Gergana Dacheva – Original research on contemporary Bulgarian speech / 321

Kamelia Spasova – The Legacy of Unicorns. Ars Theoria II / 326

Authors / 339

Abstracts / 343

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