Year XIV (2020), issue 24

Comparative Literature Today



Todd Presner. Comparative Literature in the Age of Digital Humanities: On Possible Futures for a Discipline (Transl. from English by Milena Popova) / 11

Comparative Literature / World Literature. А Discussion (2011). Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and David Damrosch (Transl. from English by Ruzha Muskurova) / 38

Clemens Spahr. Literary History and the Problem of Periodization (Transl. from English by Ruzha Muskurova) / 70

César Domínguez. Comparative Literature, Literary Theory and the Anxiety of Omission: Spanish Contributions to the Debate (Transl. from English by Milena Popova) / 98

Nadezhda Alexandrova. Orientalism and the Mistakes of the Young Age: The Impact of Popular Literature on the Works of Ahmet Midhat Efendi and Vasil Drumev / 119

Fotiny Christakoudy-Konstantinidou. (An Attempt at) a Comparative Introduction to Modern Greek Poetry from the 1880–1930 Period / 140

Boyka Ilieva. Righteous Living and Earthly Joys in Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron and Elin Pelin’s Under the Monastery Vine / 154

Maurice N. Fadel. The Two Sources of the Crime Fiction / 172

Joanna Neykova. The French Connection: Paul Auster / 185

Lilia Trifonova. Literature and Painting: Virginia Woolf and Post-Impressionism / 199

Francheska Zemyarska. Street Haunting: Yourcenar Reads Woolf / 214

Dobromir Grigorov. Central Europe. Teleological Aspects of Its Borders / 226

Ivan Ivanov. Postmodernism in the Third Millennium – Beyond the “Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism” / 237



Anton Nikolov. Posttraumatic in “Spring Wind” („Пролетен вятър“) by Nikolа Furnadzhiev / 256



Andrey Tashev. Literature: Images and Contexts / 267

Dobromir Grigorov. Diction of Melancholy and Poetics of Literary Romanticism / 275

Christo Manolakev. A Model Edition of A. Pushkin’s Dramaturgy / 281

Polina Penkova. Children’s Literature through Children’s Eyes / 291


For the Authors / 295

Journal “The Literature” / 305

Requirements for Publications in the Journal “Literaturata” / 309

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